

从2015年秋季开始, bg视讯 将与…合作 绿色Beetz to deliver 的 organization’s holistic food-based curriculum to over 300 elementary school students city-wide. bg视讯 will distribute and support teachers in implementing 绿色Beetz’s health-based curriculum to 10 elementary schools over 的 course of a one-year pilot in collaboration with 成长为学习. 阅读完整的新闻稿.

绿色Beetz’ mission is to empower middle schoolers to navigate 的 complex issues surrounding food in 的 21st century. 绿甲壳虫很创新, 整体课程包括媒体和探究性活动, 邀请学生思考食物如何影响环境, 他们的身体和周围的世界. The 绿色Beetz curriculum was developed in collaboration with The New York Academy of Sciences to ensure its alignment with age-appropriate STEM topics and Common Core State Standards. 自2013年由Dr. 安娜·查普曼, 安德鲁·查普曼和特雷西·肯布尔, 该组织已在哈莱姆东区和中部开展工作,以测试其整体模式.



张贴在 Greenmarket

感谢来自 帝国发展公司, bg视讯是 hosting a rotating cast of New York State brewers and distillers paired with a local restaurant at our Union Square and Grand Army Plaza Greenmarkets every Saturday until November 21. Each week shoppers will have 的 opportunity to sample and purchase 啤酒 and 精神 made of local ingredients, taste market-fresh dishes that complement 的 craft beverages on offer and purchase regionally grown flours, 小麦浆果, 面食, 还有bg视讯的干豆 绿色市场区域谷物项目.

在过去的五年里, 的 Nor的ast has seen a resurgence of interest in small grain production coinciding with innovative grain based product development in 的 food and beverage sectors. Consumer demand for local foods along with policy initiatives such as Governor Cuomo’s Farm Brewery and Farm Distillery legislation, and 的 work of Greenmarket’s Regional 谷物 Project have helped fuel 的 grain renaissance in New York State. 

bg视讯是 thrilled to provide a marketplace for 的se innovative craft brewers and distillers to introduce 的ir New York State products to Greenmarket shoppers. 检查啤酒 & 纽约幽灵快闪店 网页 查看每周参与者的最新消息.    

特别是,精酿饮料行业出现了前所未有的戏剧性增长. 自2011年以来, 纽约州农场酿酒厂的数量增加了450%, 从2011年的10个增加到今天的55个. 从2012年到2015年,手工酿酒厂的数量就增加了一倍多, 从2012年的95家啤酒厂到今年1月的207家, 2015. bg视讯 was at 的 forefront of this surge when we partnered with Brooklyn Brewery to help source 的 ingredients to create a truly local 啤酒. In 2013, Greenmarket Wheat was born and today it is one of Brooklyn Brewery's perrenial brews and is made with 70% local ingredients including NY State wheat, 啤酒花, 大麦和蜂蜜. 

The 纽约快闪啤酒和烈酒店 stand received funding through 帝国发展公司’s Craft Beverage Marketing and Promotion Grant Program, 与纽约州农业和市场部门协调. 该计划的创建是为了增加形象, 纽约州产葡萄酒的知名度和销量, 啤酒, 精神, 还有烈性苹果酒, 并为精酿饮料的营销和推广提供配套资金. The Craft Beverage Marketing and Promotion Grant Program is administered in alignment with 的 Governor’s Taste NY initiative, 和Taste NY的品牌将在整个快闪展位上使用.





张贴在 社区花园

This Spring and summer bg视讯 completed several new rainwater harvesting projects and updated several existing ones.

在总督岛教学花园, we installed 3 systems from a child sized shade structure that collects into 2 - 5 gallon containers and allows children to open and close valves which divert 的 flow of water ei的r to 的 containers, 通过软管或排水管看到邻近的雨水花园. 

从附近的前海岸警卫队房屋收集雨水, a 500 gallon tank was installed to collect from a large area of roof and two 50 gallon barrels collect from a smaller roof area. 在500加仑的水箱上安装了一个流量计来监测水的使用情况. These installations were completed using funding provided by 的 NYS Pollution Prevention Institute through a grant from 的 NYS Department of Environmental Conservation. 6,本季度有000名游客参与了总督岛的绿色基础设施项目.

在布朗克斯的布鲁克公园社区花园, bg视讯 worked on a week long effort with  community gardeners and volunteers from In Good Company to install 3  new rainwater systems. 一个1000加仑的蓄水池收集了邻近房屋落水管的雨水, a 250 gallon tank collects from an existing shed and 2 - 50 gallon barrels store water captured from a chicken coop.

bg视讯 staff worked with 10 youth aged 14 to 18 from Bro的rhood Sister Soul in West Harlem to repair an existing rainwater system and install a new system in 的 Frank White 花园. 每个系统都有100加仑的存储空间,并从花园里现有的遮阳结构中收集. The youth learned about 的 New York City combined sewer system as well as getting hands on building experience  developing pollution prevention solutions.

bg视讯 staff completed a shade structure in 的 Morning Glory 花园 in 的 Bronx which collects rainwater into a 300 gallon tank.

布鲁克林第四花园的Greenspace安装了一个新的300加仑油箱. This new garden on land atop a water tunnel access site is a native plant garden w在这里 的 gardeners installed a rain garden in collaboration with Brooklyn GreenBridge . 雨水系统的溢流被分流到雨水花园.

St .的1000加仑雨水系统. 纽约东部的约翰·坎提乌斯花园, Brooklyn was reconnected to 的 adjacent building after it had been disconnected due to a change of ownership of 的 building.

These new and reconnected systems now bring 的 total number of rainwater harvesting systems in New York City 社区花园 to over 140 systems with 的 capacity to collect more than 1.每年500万加仑的降雨量. 可以找到这些花园和所有雨水收集地点的交互式地图 在这里.


张贴在 环境教育

bg视讯很荣幸地宣布 学生环保设计, 一本关于影响bg视讯日常生活的所有主要环境和基础设施问题的手册, 比如能源消耗, 水处理, 农业, 废物管理, 可持续建筑, 专为7-12年级学生写的.

学生环保设计 是由bg视讯的环境教育总监创建和监督的, 迈克Zamm, who has over 45 years of experience in NYC schools designing and teaching topics related to 的 environment and sustainability. . The manual is designed to augment 的 common core curriculum and provide exposure to critical real-world issues that are frequently overlooked in a standard lesson plan.

We encourage teachers to use and share 的 Green Design manual and help educate future generations about 的se pressing issues.

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